Surveillance in an Information Society: Who Watches the Watchers?











Chatham House, London  | Wednesday 17 July 2013 18:00 to 19:00 BST



Professor Sir David Omand GCB, Visiting Professor, King's College London; Security and Intelligence Coordinator, Cabinet Office, UK (2002-05)
Duncan Campbell, Investigative Journalist
Geoffrey Robertson QC, Founder and Head, Doughty Street Chambers
Chair: Dr Patricia Lewis, Research Director, International Security, Chatham House



The Snowden revelations have sparked considerable debate over what national intelligence agencies should be allowed to do with personal digital data, and where the divide between security and civil liberties should be drawn.

The amount of global information being generated through web-based communication and mobile usage is vast and, hypothetically, extremely useful in making intelligence-based linkages between terrorists. However, recent reports around the Prism database and large-scale internet filtering seem to suggest that some national intelligence services have obtained access to numerous data centres under legal authorities that are either secret or interpreted more widely than publicly believed.

The panel will discuss these recent revelations and explore the potential implications for national intelligence agencies and individuals. They will also consider the potential long-term political, social and economic impacts and whether this will persuade people to review their internet activity and pay more attention to privacy.

For more information, please contact the International Security department


Interview with Duncan


Duncan discusses the importance of Edward Snowden's revelations and the problems of mass internet surveillance in a democracy, following the Chatham House event 'Surveillance in an Information Society: Who Watches the Watchers?'



