British embassy spying
News that Britain is operating a secret embassy-based eavesdropping site in Berlin caused a “serious diplomatic crisis between the two countries,” according to a BBC report.
Ambassador Simon McDonald was "called in" on Tuesday 5 November by the German Foreign Office at the request of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to respond to the report that a cylindrical structure on the roof of the British embassy in central Berlin housed electronic surveillance equipment monitoring communications signals and phone calls.
UK government spokespeople attempted to underplay the incident. But it was the first time a British ambassador has been summoned by German officials in this way since WWII. ITV News reported that the affair is being taken "a lot more seriously in the German capital than some people in Britain might imagine."
The Foreign Ministry also released a statement saying that, “The head of the European Department asked for a response to current reports in the British media [and has] pointed out that the interception of communications from the premises of a diplomatic mission would be behaviour contrary to international law.”
The white tent-like “nest” at the centre of the story has been present on the roof since the British embassy opened in 2000, and is located only a few hundred metres from the Bundestag -the German Parliament - and government offices.
Google Earth's 3D buildings feature can be used to see how prominent the British listening station is above the Berlin skyline - and its clear line-of-sight to government buildings, including the Chancery (left arrow) and the Bundestag (right arrow). The Russian embassy is also a block away.
A view of the4 British embassy's spy nest overlooking the German Parliament buildings. The Reichstag is on the right, and the Budestag on the left.
The UK bugging scandal comes barely a week after Der Spiegel exposed how the US was targeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phones and using its Berlin embassy as a covert “listening station.”
Two thermal images of the US embassy taken a day apart during the investigation appear to show a dramatic eight degrees reduction in the temperature of electronic equipment inside- suggesting that the listening devises were turned off after Merkel's call with US president Barak Obama in which she demanded to know if her phones were being tapped. The answer appears to have been "not any more". White House Press Secretary James Carney told reporters that "the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the Chancellor."
The US “listening station” on the roof of the embassy is conveniently located only 150 metres away form Britain’s. So, while the US cooled off its spying equipment, Britain’s own tapping tent remained in prime location.
Below you will find Duncan's Independent stories and coverage.
Other UK embassies and consulates
VIENNA - The British embassy in Vienna is noteworthy for its rooftop shed, which is almost identical to those found on the rooftops of many US embassies.
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